Primary Election – August 2020


The Primary Election (P1 Notice, P2 Notice) was held on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM, at the Avon Township Hall, 16881 Queens Road, Avon (MN). The pre-test and Public Accuracy tests were performed prior to the election.

There were 131 votes cast by Town residents in the election, which is a turnout of approximately 9% of the registered voters.

The polls were set up to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19 by maximizing physical distancing. As a consequence, there were only five voting stations and the election judges were separated into different rooms. A greeter judge welcomed voters at the door and regulated entry to the hall. Five voters were permitted to enter at a time. The roster judge was stationed in the conference room, while the ballot judge was at the entry to the main chamber. Plexiglass barriers were provided to keep the voters and judges safe. Two hand-sanitizing stations were available (at entrance and exit) and voters left through the back door to provide a one-way movement through the polling place. “I Voted” Stickers were not handed directly to voters, but were left at each voting station for a voter to pick up. Voters were also provided with a personal pen for completing their ballots. After voting, a staff member sanitized the polling place before another voter was allowed to use it.

According to Executive Order 20-81, voters were expected to wear masks. Thankfully, more than 90% of voters did so. We are grateful to these voters for helping to keep themselves and the poll workers safe.

We will use the same poll setup for the General Election. Considering the expected higher turnout, there could be long waits outside in potentially nasty weather so voters are encouraged to vote absentee. An absentee ballot can be obtained by visiting

We thank the election judges for their dedicated service, especially considering the COVID crisis. The judges for this election were: Deb Angulski, Lisa Baker Gilk, Duane Fasen, Marion Gondringer, Jay Hedlund, Kelly Martini (Head), Kamela Mohs, Sue Rushmeyer, and Stephen Saupe.